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William Ackerman

The Rise of the Passport Bro

Updated: Oct 25, 2024

In another article we wrote here at FrostyWave titled, The Globalization of Dating, we went in-depth on the growing prominence of people connecting with others across the globe and forming long-distance relationships with the idea that they will eventually meet in person because of the feasibility of travel and the exploding world of remote work.

While it's true that more people than ever before are expanding their options in the dating world geographically, there has been a rise in the amount of men in the West who, because of a few different factors affecting dating and meeting women in their country, have decided to explore different countries and cultures with a primary purpose of meeting and dating women in these countries instead.

Introducing: Passport Bros.

Meme Me Up, Scotty

The Passport Bro movement became a thing on TikTok in 2022, with American men making videos about the desire to explore another country and its culture in search for a woman from that country who follows more "traditional gender roles."

The movement has also become a bit of a meme, with many people, specifically American women, poking fun at the idea.

And one could imagine the sour taste in an American woman's mouth when American men tell them that they have no interest in them, mainly because of their attitudes and views on gender roles and family, something that has become a very sensitive topic in American media.

So naturally, this movement has received a lot of hate online, mainly because of jealousy from Western women and others who don't dare to try and understand men using logic, rather than emotion.

But if we look at this objectively, the Passport Bro Movement is quite easy to understand and makes a lot of sense.

I'll Take my Ball and Go... To Another Country!

If you pay attention, even poorly, to American media and culture in its current state, you will notice an overwhelming amount of disdain towards men and any man who exhibits "masculine" traits.

The media in America paints a picture that all women are perfect the way they are, with no need for improvement or accountability. Everything is the man's fault.

In fact, if men make content online about empowering each other and working hard and being strong (physically and mentally), it's often looked at as harmful and a form of "toxic masculinity".

A clear example of the disdain of men in America is a recent viral trend on TikTok called "Man or Bear", where women answer the question "Would you rather be alone in a forest with a man, or a bear?"

To the shocking disbelief of men and other chemically balanced folk, most women actually chose the bear, because in their mind, all men are harmful rapists who just want to hurt and oppress women.

Makes perfect sense, right?

So naturally, many men in America are simply disenchanted with their fellow women and their crazy ideals.

"Fine. If you hate us so much, we will find a good woman elsewhere who isn't a psychopath..."

A Lack of Traditional Values in American Women

With the rise of radical feminist ideology and the hatred of men in America, one of the things that many of these men are looking for in a woman is a solid foundation of what people call "traditional values".

As stated before, the direct mission statement of the Passport Bro movement is the seeking of women who follow "traditional gender roles".

This is often misinterpreted as men seeking women from the 1950's, and wanting to lock women up in the home, but this is not the case.

Men are simply looking for women who believe strongly in the idea of the nuclear family, and taking care of their children, while allowing their man to be a man and put food on the table. It doesn't mean that a woman shouldn't work or vote.

And it just so happens that in many other cultures outside of America, there are a plethora of women who share these traditional values and are raised to be caring, loving mothers.

When you add to the equation that many of these women are not only beautiful, but they also have an affinity for men with masculine traits (they don't straight-up hate men), then the choice to pursue romantic interest outside of America makes even more sense.

Finding Shared Values with FrostyWave

While physical appearance is a large factor in whether or not a man is attracted to a woman, at FrostyWave we also understand that shared values are also very important for men.

This is proven through research, as well as things like the Passport Bro Movement.

That's why our AI algorithm will match men and women based on their expectations, like specific shared values.

Among shared values, one of the things that is most important for women when seeking a male partner is competence, and the ability to generate resources.

Physical appearance, which is the primary focus of most dating apps, is less important for women, according to research.

So our AI screens men for competence and uses this as one of the vehicles to match with women accordingly.

Most dating apps in their current design do not support the true needs of men and women in the context of a relationship.

At FrostyWave, we are experts when it comes to dating and truly understanding what men and women seek in a life partner, without letting emotion and ideology get in the way.

We create a positive and seamless dating experience for all of our users, with the sole focus of giving them what they need to engage in a meaningful relationship with someone, and find their soulmate.

So join FrostyWave today and find someone who you are not only attracted to, but who also shares the same values as you, so you can truly grow together.

To join, click here.

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